Music Production: A Manual for Producers, Composers, Arrangers, and Students

Music Production: A Manual for Producers, Composers, Arrangers, and Students, Third Edition serves as a comprehensive road map for navigating the continuous transformations in the music industry and music production technologies. From dissecting compositions to understanding studio technologies, from coaching vocalists and instrumentalists to arranging and orchestration, from musicianship to marketing, advertising, and promotion, Michael Zager takes us on a tour of the world of music production and the recording industry, helping students and professionals keep pace with this rapidly changing profession.
Read More... 27-10-2021, 18:11
Reminded by the Instruments: David Tudor's Music

David Tudor is remembered today in two guises: as an extraordinary pianist of post-war avant-garde music who worked closely with composers like John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen and as a founding figure of live-electronic music. His early realization of indeterminate graphic scores and his later performances using homemade modular instruments both inspired a whole generation of musicians. But his reticence, his unorthodox approaches, and the diversity of his creative output which began with the organ and ended with visual art have kept Tudor a puzzle.
Read More... 27-10-2021, 17:29
Getting to Work with the Avid S6: An Introduction and Learning Guide

This complete guide to the Avid S6 console offers the best techniques and practices from a seasoned industry veteran, Curt Schulkey, for utilizing its unique features and functions.
Read More... 27-10-2021, 14:49
FaderPro WATERMAT Track from Scratch

In this exclusive one-on-one studio session, French DJ & producer Watermät spends four hours showing you how he makes a track from scratch. Deep House project Watermät is the brainchild of French DJ and producer Laurent Arriau. Born in the early '80s and brought up in Paris, Arriau developed an affinity for music at an early age. He learned how to play the guitar and piano and listened to everything he could get his hands on from Michael Jackson to Guns N' Roses. After being switched onto the house music scene by Daft Punk, he learned how to DJ and produce electronic music. He studied science for two years before working in production for several important French pop acts. Initially preferring anonymity, he remained a backroom figure until he decided to create his own music and left Paris for the south of France in 2012.
Read More... 27-10-2021, 10:09
Magician of Sound : Ravel and the Aesthetics of Illusion

French composer Maurice Ravel was described by critics as a magician, conjurer, and illusionist. Scholars have been aware of this historical curiosity, but none so far have explained why Ravel attracted such critiques or what they might tell us about how to interpret his music. Magician of Sound examines Ravel's music through the lens of illusory experience, considering how timbre, orchestral effects, figure/ground relationships, and impressions of motion and stasis might be experienced as if they were conjuring tricks.
Read More... 26-10-2021, 13:10
An Introduction to Music Technology Ed 2

An Introduction to Music Technology, Second Edition provides a clear overview of the essential elements of music technology for today’s musician. This book focuses on the topics that underlie the hardware and software in use today: Sound, Audio, MIDI, Computer Notation, and Computer- Assisted Instruction. Appendices cover necessary computer hardware and software concepts. Written for both music technology majors and non-majors, this textbook introduces fundamental principles and practices so students can learn to work with a wide range of software programs, adapt to new music technologies, and apply music technology in their performance, composition, teaching, and analysis.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 23:25
Guitar Exercises For Beginners : Super Interesting Way To Improve Your Guitar Skills (Guitar Mastery Book 3)

Have you been practicing for hours and hours with little progress? Here’s how to get the most out of your practice sessions. “Practice, practice, practice until you can play it right!”
Read More... 25-10-2021, 23:10
Make Audio Academy PRO MASTERING Aprende a masterizar como un PRO

La masterización es un tema muy popular y común dentro de la producción musical pero sin embargo es un tema que muchas personas lo comunican erróneamente, creando así mitos e ideas equivocadas de cómo realmente funciona y cómo se aplica a la música en la vida real.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 17:55
Make Audio Academy PRO MIXDOWN Aprende a mezclar como un PRO

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo los profesionales realizan la mezcla de sus tracks? ¿Cuál es el procedimiento que ellos siguen? En este curso de mezcla profesional veremos exáctamente eso, veremos cómo podemos hacer que tu música suene lo más profesionalmente posible mediante la aplicación correcta de efectos, regulación, automatización y mucho más.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 17:55

El diseño sonoro es la creación de sonidos de cualquier tipo mediante la utilización de síntesis virtual o analógica, hoy en día es altamente utilizado en la producción de música electrónica, también en bandas sonoras para películas, efectos especiales para videojuegos y mucho más. Por ello es muy importante que el productor moderno conozca los diferentes tipos de síntesis que se emplean hoy en día en diferentes aplicaciones musicales para lograr y aplicar alguna de ellas en sus propios proyectos artísticos.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 17:53

La síntesis de tabla de onda (wavetable) es uno de los tipos de síntesis más populares hoy en día y sin duda uno de los más utilizados en la música electrónica, que en la actualidad se encuentra en casi cualquier estilo de música. Con el avance de la tecnología ahora podemos encontrar sintetizadores virtuales que tienen este tipo de síntesis que al igual se integra con otros tipos, como la síntesis aditiva, sustractiva, de tabla de onda, granular, etc etc.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 17:53
Make Audio Academy Los plugins especiales de FL Studio 20

¿Cuándo empieza y termina el curso? El curso es flexible y se adapta totalmente a tu tiempo, tú decides cuándo empezarlo y cuándo terminarlo.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 16:48
Make Audio Academy Los efectos de FL Studio 20

FL Studio es uno de los programas que tiene mayor cantidad de plugins nativos (plugins incluídos en FL) en el mercado, tanto como de efectos a plugins generadores de sonido. Esto te da gran flexibilidad cuando estás diseñando sonido o produciendo canciones, ya que puedes depender menos de software externo y los plugins incluídos son más estables y optimizados.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 16:06
Make Audio Academy PHASEPLANT La Guía Maestra

Phase Plant es un nuevo sintetizador semi modular de la compañía "Kilohearts" aclamada por sus increíbles efectos y sistema de modulaciones, con este plugin es muy sencillo desarollar sonidos desde 0 pero además puedes llegar a hacerlos muy complejos.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 14:44
Make Audio Academy Moduladores de FL Studio

Los moduladores de FL Studio son plugins que te permiten realizar modificaciones en tiempo real a diferentes sonidos y parámetros que los puedes aplicar para tu música, para diseño de sonido, mezcla y mucho más.
Read More... 25-10-2021, 14:23
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