Truefire Robben Ford's Songcraft Purple House
In Robben Ford’s Purple House edition of SongCraft, Robben will guide you through his ‘songcraft’ for six of the songs from his Purple House record. For each song, you'll first listen to the finished studio recording and then work through various aspects of his creative process.
”Paul McCartney said that even if a writing session didn't have a good result, it was still good songwriting practice. And that's how a craft is learned, through practice and perseverance. Everyone needs to find their own way of honing their songwriting. Personally, I studied other songwriters from many different styles and picked up a little something from each of them. I hope to pass some of that along to you, as well as my own take on the subject of songwriting, to help you find your own way.”
First, Robben will discuss the genesis of each song and the inspirations that came out of that to proceed with the writing. Even if a song begins instrumentally, the lyric becomes the primary focus. Robben will present some of the devices that he uses to work with words.
“Feel and groove are essential ingredients of a good song. We'll discuss that in-depth. Most of my music is developed for a full band and my songs don't seem complete until fully recorded with guitar, bass, and drums. The guitar parts that I develop are crafted to enhance the purpose of the song.”
Robben will explain and demonstrate all of the key concepts and approaches along the way. You’ll get standard notation and tabs for all of the performance studies. Plus, you’ll be able to use TrueFire’s learning tools to sync the tab and notation to the video lesson. You can also loop or slow down the videos so that you can work with the lessons at your own pace. All of the backing tracks are included to work with on your own as well.
Ready to get started? Let work on our 'songcraft' with Robben Ford!
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