Groove3 Logic Pro X Creating Generative Music
Logic Pro X expert Larry Holcombe delivers eye and mind opening Logic Pro X 10.5 video tutorials! Watch how to set up Logic Pro X 10.5 to automatically create and produce completely original tracks and effects using its built-in generative and automated features and functions, perfect for when you're looking for new ideas, have writer's block, or just want something truly random and unique. These videos are for those who have an intermediate level or greater of Logic Pro X 10.5.X.
Larry welcomes you and gives an introduction to the series and what you can expect to learn. He then jumps right in with videos on how to use the Logic Scripter to automatically generate drum patterns using conditions of probability that you set, including randomness and certainty.
Next, see how to take the same concept further by using Ultrabeat and the Drum Probability Sequencer to trigger different drum hits, which allow you to come up with new drum parts in a quicker way than with the Drum Machine Designer. Larry then shows you how Scripters are layered to create even more complex patterns.
Throughout the rest of the videos, you'll see how to generatively auto-create percussion parts, baselines, chord sequences, leads and lines in the key of your choice, pitch changing pads, snares and more. Larry even shows you how to prepare your arrangement when using these generative techniques, and then how to hone your arrangement into an amazing sounding production.
To see what these in-depth Logic Pro X 10.5 generative music video tutorials show you, and how they'll get you creating truly original parts and effects for your productions, see the individual Logic Pro X 10.5 generative music tutorial descriptions on this page. Move into uncharted sonic realms with Logic Pro X 10.5 today... Watch "Logic Pro X: Creating Generative Music" now.
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