Reason RE Haaswerk PSYH CV Pulse Generator

Reason RE Haaswerk PSYH CV Pulse Generator

Psychedelic Haas CV Pulse Generator is a small and simple device designed to setup a series of CV Pulse sequences. It is in sync with your song and the sequences can be setup using simple math of beats and bars.

Can be chained.

- 16 Programmable Pulse Sequences
- Chainable

Steps to get pulses working:
- Setup main sequence length in bars.
- choose if it has to loop that sequence or not.
- Choose if Solo mode is preferred or not.
- Setup one or more(pulldown) sequences using the following settings
- Length (sum of both length settings)
- Hold (amount of beats to wait whitin its length before giving pulse)
- CV value (to set from -1,000 to +1,000)
- P.W. (optional, o% is giving a pulse signal.)
- Priority (optional, gives a higher priority to certain pulses compared to other pulses when triggered at the same time)

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