Reason RE McDSP E670 Equalizer

Reason RE McDSP E670 Equalizer

The E670 Rack Extension plug-in is a three-band equalizer with a flexible design and vintage tone. An excellent companion product to the C670 compressor.

The E670 Rack Extension plug-in is an equalizer of awesomeness.

The E670, like the C670 compressor, is ideal for master buss tracks and instrument groups. Gentle equalization curves impart just the right amount of tone tweak. Vintage output staging colors tracks nicely, without muddying up your mix. Real-time control smoothing gives it an analog gear feel. And it sounds awesome.

Big bottom, thick mids, airy top end - it's all easy with the E670. Crank it all the way, or just a little, the E670's gain structure and output staging give it a classic sound.

The E670. E is for awesome.

You need R2R Reason release and TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder.

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