Layers is a
Premium Percussion and FX Loop Library with over 200+ Layers at your fingertips. Use Layers like an Instrument or Drag and Drop it in like a loop. Each Layer auto-syncs to your tempo so you can save time stretching loops, and focus more on your creation.
Layers is used as "Earcandy" on your tracks... So don't worry you can still add your own drums and melodies no matter what Layer you choose.
Instantly Create more Lively Tracks,
attract new listeners, and break the pattern of making the same thing over and over (with Just a Drag and Drop).
Layers can be used like an instrument (as you would an 808) or drag it in like a loop. This gives you full control over your creativity and aren't limited to just midi notes or just loops.
Layers focuses on variety in each loop so you can find something that works for
every kind of track.
DRUM LAYERSDrum Loops with Various different styles that auto- sync to your tempo. These can be used as fills, transitions, or as the actual drums for your tracks. Drum Layers comes 100% Royalty free for you to use in your music.
VOX LAYERSMale Vocal One Shots and short phrases. 50 Voxes Included 100% Royalty Free
(only available during launch)Beautiful midi patterns intentionally created without a top line melody to help you get inspired and build your own original tracks off of it. These are completely Royalty free for you to use in your tracks and will be gone once this launch ends on 5.18
VINYL LAYERSAnalog Recorded Vinyl & FX Loops that map to ANY tempo right when you drag it in. Each one of these vinyl Layers is recorded from a different vinyl so you are getting a completely different Analog Vinyl Feel with Each Loop.
When you Purchase LAYERS Today you Get....'LAYERS' Premium Perc & FX Loop Library
'Drum Layers' Drum Loops (Free Bonus)
'VOX Layers' Vocal One Shots (Free Bonus)
'Midi Layers' Melody Midi (Free Bonus)
'Vinyl Layers' (First 200 Only) Vinyl FX Loops
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