'AAA Game Character: Pirate' by Epic Stock Media is a collection of pirate themed voiceover audio files. Raise sails and drop anchor! Now you can set forth on an epic journey across the seven seas with this one-of-a-kind voiceover sound library.
This vocal pack features a male pirate character who is presented as the stereotype of a pirate with themes of rum drinking, raiding and pillaging.
Inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean, MMO, RTS, and RPG games, 'AAA Game Character: Pirate' provides you with 411 immersive, game-ready voiceover sound files, vocalizations, battle cries, custom dialogue lines, and everything needed to create interactive & compelling Cinematic scenes, and outstanding game-play audio experiences.
All of the recordings are delivered in 96kHz/24-Bit WAV file format, giving you the best quality for heavy sound editing, pitching shifting and FX processing while keeping a top-notch level of clarity and precision.
Product Details:411 Pirate Themed Character Voiceover Audio Files
96kHz/24-Bit WAV
Includes 44.1kHz/16-Bit & Game-Ready MP3 Version Of Entire Library
17 Battle Cries & Sayings
9 Breathing Eg. Out of Breathe, Single, Slow, Heavy
15 Coughs Eg. Hack, Ahem, Inhale Smoke, Throat Clearing, Sick
12 Crying Sounds Eg. Muffled, Sad, Sniffling, Sorrow, Wailing
146 Immersive Dialogue Lines Eg. "All Hands On Deck", "Abandon Ship", "Dead Men Tell No Tales"
17 Fight Vocals Eg. Attack, Grunt, Big Growl, Swing & More
21 Jumping Vocalizations: Double Jump, Long, Short, "Rahhh", "Yarrrr" & more
18 Laughing Eg. Big, Explosive, Pleased, Tickled, Chuckle
24 Pain Eg. Dying Breath, Yell, Stabbed, Wounded
132 Stock Dialogue Lines For Basic Interactions In-Game Eg. "Yes Master", "You Are Victorious", "Triple Kill" & more
100% Royalty-Free
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