- 808s (50)
- Acapellas (95)
- Brass (18)
- Demo flp
- Claps (12)
- Crashes/Cymbals (12)
- Hats (20)
- Kicks (29)
- Drum/hat/orchestral/perc Loops (32)
- Percs (27)
- Snares (28)
- Fills (22)
- Fx [Ambient/Risers/Sweeps/Stomps/Vox/Various] (93)
- One Shots (33)
- Presets [Serum and Mixing] (24)
- Reese (7)
- Melodies/Samples (28)
- Self Recordings [Weird percussion and ambient] (22)
For the flp you will need FL 20.7 or above, as well as various plugins. Feel free to dm me if something is needed, i will try to reply back as soon as possible and try solve any problems you may have with the plugins or the fl version.
Hope you enjoy it
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