MEET THE COLOSSUS OF FOLEYCREATURE FOLEY is the ultimate toolkit for all sound design tasks featuring impactful, wide-range, engaging and detailed movement. It offers an almost inexhaustible pool of actions, sizes, characteristics, materials and variations that will have you build and design complex scenes with ease. Containing over 19,000 sounds in total at a staggering 16 GB of content, this library is the biggest CREATURE FOLEY sound collection ever created.
ENORMOUS SOUND POOLSmashing our previous record MONSTERS & BEASTS, the CREATURE FOLEY Construction Kit contains over 17,000 sounds and variations, divided into the following categories: BITE, BODYFALL, CLAW, MOVEMENT, STEP, SWIPE and WINGS.
Navigate the massive collection with ease thanks to a clean, straightforward categorization put in place for you to find exactly what you need.
DIFFERENT MATERIALSSurface interactions (such as steps or bodyfalls) feature the following materials:
Concrete, dirt, grass, gravel, sand, snow, water, mud, wood and additional sweeteners.
WIDE APPLICATION RANGEFrom insects to skyscraper-sized monsters and subtle rustling to devastating impacts, the CREATURE FOLEY Construction Kit equips you to deal with any foley design task for creatures and beyond.
TECH SPECSFiles 1494
Sounds 17935
Size 14 GB
SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGEThe powerful DESIGNED collection offers different sounds and variations in three basic sizes. No matter which weight class your creature, it will sound impressive, detailed and authentic, as the key processing has already been done for you.
HEAD STARTWhile DESIGNED delivers maximum impact on its own, it's also a great ignition aid for your own designs in combination with the Construction Kit. It features all the CK surface materials and highlights; whether you are building monstrosities from the ground up or emphasizing key movements in a scene, the DESIGNED foleys are a special treat for every occasion.
Sounds 1280
Size 2.15 GB
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