SoundTec 432 Vintage Parametric Disk Master eQ
It has been an honor for me to work on this Vintage Parametric Disk Master eQualizer, a wonderful and classic creation by Mr.Burgess Macneal. I have totally refurbished the unit, restoring it to it's original and beautiful sound, along with two mods done at request by the owner to make it more suitable for Mastering. The original Gain step has been changed from +/-12dB to +/-6dB and an additional High Shelf Filter at the Air Frequency of 16kHz has been added. Now this Holy Grail of equalizers fully expresses sweetness and musicality. It's not colored or necessarily “warm”, but it is subtle, focused, detailed, fast, immediate and extremely natural. The more you listen it, you begin to notice a little something “special” imparted across the audio signal... Simply Beautiful.
At the end the owner has allowed me to sample the unit, so with a lot of care to not damage the delicate circuits. It's not only a matter of banal 0VU = 0,775v but an accurate matching in signal, i/o impedance, filtered power supply, invisible converters and more. Now I'm glad to offer you the sound of this rare marvel for your music production, thanking you for the support that will allow me to keep on developing these programs.
The programs:Carefully sampled @ 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz, without introduction of noise or aliasing, in a professional recording studio with custom converters built specifically for NAT3 which outperforms $20k commercial converters. High end cables, with particular care to the connections, levels and impedance matching were used to translate the sonic qualities of this priceless devices into the Nebula software technology. Every volume change, gain change, frequency change is tested and accurately programmed without destructive digital processing for optimized sound and then compared to the original device. The result is a virtually indistinguishable digital replication of this landmark device.
The programs don't sound processed, harsh or digital as most plugins do, but instead sound like a natural extension of the original audio, gluing your tracks in the mix with an analog vibe.
Whats Included. High Quality programs with full dynamics and harmonic content
. 44.1 48 88.2 96 kHz sample rate
. Low and High Shelf combo at 50/100Hz and 10kHz +/- 6dB
. Low and High Shelf combo at 50/100Hz and 16kHz +/- 6dB
. Bell Filter from 11Hz to 150Hz +/- 6dB, slope from 5 to 15 dB/oct
. Bell Filter from 150Hz to 1000Hz +/- 6dB, slope from 5 to 15 dB/oct
. Bell Filter from 1kHz to 5.7kHz +/- 6dB, slope from 5 to 15 dB/oct
. Bell Filter from 5.7kHz to 25kHz +/- 6dB, slope from 5 to 15 dB/oct
. Generic new AlexB skin for N3
. Special AlexB skin for N4
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