Distant Animals Dichotomies

'Dichotomies' explores the sonic terrain between fundamentally disparate sources. Incorporating acoustic materials - metal, wood, skin, water - and manipulating them with digital processing, the result is a pack of sounds that feels both organic and alien, intimate and foreign.
Read More... 13-05-2018, 01:29
Jameson Hodge Lo-Fi Trap

'LoFi Trap' is the sonically-rich sophomore sample pack by Atlanta-based producer Jameson Hodge. Crafted using carefully selected synths, samples, and effects, it packs quite a punch and provides a wide contrast between soft and heavy. Every sample has been produced to deliver a combination of old and new sounds rooted in trap production, featuring a wide variety of soft synths, warped vocals and twisted FX, low slung 808s and more.
Read More... 13-05-2018, 01:29