Jameson Hodge Lo-Fi Trap

Jameson Hodge Lo-Fi Trap

'LoFi Trap' is the sonically-rich sophomore sample pack by Atlanta-based producer Jameson Hodge. Crafted using carefully selected synths, samples, and effects, it packs quite a punch and provides a wide contrast between soft and heavy. Every sample has been produced to deliver a combination of old and new sounds rooted in trap production, featuring a wide variety of soft synths, warped vocals and twisted FX, low slung 808s and more.

Oscillating on the gradient of dirty and clean, 'Lo-Fi Trap' has all the ingredients required for creating a nostalgic yet boundary-pushing composition. Producers of trap, EDM, dubstep and more, will benefit from using these sounds in their music to add a unique character found nowhere else.

Download today and add a distinct, genre-bending flavour to your production.

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