30 Day Singer Singing Style of Your Favorite Female Artists

Your instructor for this course is Reagan James, former contestant on hit TV show "The Voice". In this series of lessons, Reagan will demonstrate ways to make your performance unique and interesting. Each lesson will showcase popular singing techniques used by various iconic female vocalists. From Ella Fitzgerald to Carrie Underwood, follow along and learn how manipulating your inflection, pronunciation, and switching the part of your mouth you sing from, can add personal style to your singing. Using an original song that she created for this course, Reagan will show you exactly how to pull influence from these great singers, and apply the methods to your performance.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 11:12
30 Day Singer Steps To Better Phrasing

Today we’re learning three steps to better phrasing. Phrasing is how we divide a song into musical ideas, including where we breathe and where we place emphasis. Musical phrasing can turn a good performance into a great one, and I'm ready to show you how to do that!
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30 Day Singer Vowel And Vowel Modification

We all want to sing with with more ease, and a clear and beautiful tone. One way to achieve this is through vowel modification. Join Camille in this lesson as she provides an overview on singing vowels and vowel modification.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 11:12
30 Day Singer 30 Day Beginner Course with Camille

Camille van Niekerk is the instructor for this 30 day course for beginners. Camille van Niekerk is a singer and vocal instructor in Southern California with roots in musical theater, dancing, directing, and playing roles such as Belle in Beauty & the Beast, Chiffon in Little Shop of Horrors, and Gabriella in High School Musical.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 11:12
Ave Mcree NASA XP for Tone2 ElectraX 1.4 or Higher

Over 60 space age presets for the Tone 2 ElectraX VST/AU plugin. NASA (Natural Ambient Space Age) is an expansion that covers all the respected genres of music under the sun! Built to fit the vibe of future bass (Flume), west coast (a la DJ Mustard), Nu Funk (Kaytranada), Synthwave, and even old school disco! These sounds will send you to Saturn and back! As a bonus, this pack comes with a new drum kit called "Traptranada" and One shots wavs of the Hits DNA volume 2 pack. Created by Traptendo X Dutch Master.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 08:55
30 Day Singer 30 Day Beginner Course Level 2 With Abram

Join Abram Poliakoff for level 2 of the beginners course! This course builds upon the previous 30-day courses by Camille, Jonathan, and Jon, so we recommend completing one of those courses first! We will review concepts as we go, but you will get the most out of this course once you have completed level 1.
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30 Day Singer Course for Beginners with Jon Statham

Welcome to 30 DAY SINGER. We designed this program to help you gain more confidence and ability to SING. Much of this course will be singing exercises along with me. Very simple at first, then adding a little more complexity with each lesson. We will do 6 days of singing, and on the 7th day of each of week we'll rest the voice. We’ll get a little deeper into knowledge of singing, how to take care of your voice, and lots more.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 08:55
Cymatics VIBES : Premium Sample Collection

VIBES: Premium Sample Collection When we created VIBES, we sat down and put ourselves into the mindset of the music listener, and it changed our entire approach for making melodies.
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30 Day Singer 30 Day Beginner Course with Jonathan Estabrooks

Jonathan Estabrooks is the instructor for this 30 day course for beginners. Award-winning performer and Juilliard alum Jonathan Estabrooks continues to leave his mark on the opera, musical theatre and crossover genres. With over half a million views on YouTube, he has been featured on the front page Billboard.com and New York Times, CBC Television, CNN and NBC.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 08:55
30 Day Singer 30 Day Beginner Course Level 2 With Camille

Join Camille van Niekerk for level 2 of the beginners course! This course builds upon her previous 30-day course, so we recommend completing that first. Camille will review concepts as you go, but you’ll get the most out of this course once you’ve completed level 1.
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WA Production Holy Bass House

Ever heard your favorite DJ drop an absolute banger, and it makes you go crazy?! That's what the sounds in What about: Holy Bass House from W. A. Production will do for your tracks. Boasting unmatched variety and versatility, this pack will be invaluable for you no matter your production style.
Read More... 2-05-2022, 08:55
Famous Audio Sonorous Dark Heavy DnB Tracks

'Sonorous: Dark Heavy DnB Tracks' by Famous Audio brings you 5 Construction Kits at 172/175 BPM plus 204 individual loops and samples so you will find all the elements you need to make some tearing DnB.
Read More... 1-05-2022, 22:57
Jazzfeezy and UNKWN Straight Hi-Hat Loops

Are you tired of creating Hi-Hats or figuring the right grooves for Hip Hop, R&B, or Pop Beats? Then let us introduce you to Straight Hat Loops, by Jazzfeezy & UNKWN. 100 Hi-Hats ranging from 59-195 bpm to help you push and focus on your creativity.
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AudioFriend Ethnic Percussion 2

100 percussion loops for productions in all kinds of danceable genres. All 4 bars long.
Home page
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GratuiTous Song Structure and Arrangement Music Course

Can I tell you a secret about producing beats? The difference between an amateur to a professional producer is the patience they put into their arrangement.
Read More... 1-05-2022, 22:37