Molores and Shazeudream Destroy Sound Kit

Includes: 10 mixer presets 20 loops
Read More... 4-06-2022, 12:34
SINEE Stimming Online Masterclass (English subtitles incl.)

Einzigartig, unvergleichlich, außergewöhnlich – Stimmings musikalischer Output sowie seine Art und Weise elektronischen Sound zu produzieren, lässt sich nur schwer in einer überschaubaren Anzahl an Worten beschreiben. Seit über 10 Jahren beweist der Hamburger Multiinstrumentalist nicht nur ein besonderes Talent für Dancefloor-taugliche Housemusik und eingängige Grooves, er macht auch als Forscher und Entdecker eine ausgezeichnete Figur. Nein, nicht mit Machete und Tropenhelm ausgestattet, sondern mit einer erstaunlichen Intuition und Neugier in Sachen Field Recordings. Kaffeemaschinen, Kinderspielzeug, Wechselgeld – sogar riesige Schiffsmotoren haben schon Einfluss auf die Produktionen des Musikers genommen – die im Übrigen weltweit Anklang finden. Umso aufregender, dass wir euch nun die Masterclass mit Stimming präsentieren dürfen, die ihn bei der Arbeit zeigt und einen Blick über die Schulter ermöglicht, den sich so viele Produzenten so sehr wünschen.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 11:06
Mixwave Luke Holland Drums

Captured during the recording of Jason Richardson's “II”, Luke's inaugural drum library serves as a masterclass in what's possible in modern drum engineering. Tight, punchy, and precisely tuned, the library has been built to cut through even the densest mixes and the most complex compositions.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 11:06
Ava Music Group PRISM Retro Pop Drums

That 80's Miami Vibe PRISM Retro Pop Drums is a Kontakt instrument featuring over 30 sleek drum snapshots inspired from iconic 80's pop songs. Each sample in the collection is designed to deliver an unmistakable Retro Pop / Synth wave sound.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 11:06
SINEE One Night in the Studio with Florian Meindl Online Masterclass

Ihr bekommt nicht genug von Hardware und möchtet alles darüber wissen? Florian Meindl ist dafür der richtige Mann! In seiner zweiten Online Masterclass, die ausschließlich in englischer Sprache verfügbar ist, geht der erfahrene Producer, Labelhead und Samplemanufaktur-Betreiber intensiv auf sein Modular Setup ein. Ihr lernt die unendlichen Möglichkeiten von Signalwegen kennen und hebt damit eure eigenen Sounddesign Skills auf ein neues Level! Außerdem hält Florian Meindl jede Menge Tipps für einen hardwarebasierten Workflow bereit und zeigt euch die Bearbeitung der Recordings in der DAW sowie seine Mixing und Mastering Techniken.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 11:06
Salsa Loops Modern Salsa Loops

Modern Salsa Loops was recorded with professional touring musicians and inspired in current top artist like Mark Anthony, Luis Enrique, Victor Manuel and many others. We have also added a little Cuban style flavor and some Cuban Timba.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 11:06
Toontrack Americana EZbass MIDI

In this collection of EZbass MIDI, we return to the heartland of American songwriting tradition to offer complementing basslines to the Americana EZkeys MIDI pack. In Americana, it's all about painting the bigger picture and getting the story across without overplaying or overdoing. If classic acts like The Band, Tom Petty and Bob Dylan or contemporaries like Ryan Adams and First Aid Kit strike a note with your creative nerve, this is your jam. Expect basic and to-the-point bass grooves that manage the balancing act of combining melody, harmony and rhythm without ever getting in the way of what matters the most in any facet of the genre: the song.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 09:28
Toontrack Detroit Soul EZbass MIDI

The iconic basslines the likes of Carol Kaye and James Jamerson blessed countless 'Motown'-era records with didn't only sprinkle a noticeable amount of magic, they also underlined the importance of the bass as a melodic as much as a rhythmic vehicle. In fact, in many ways this incomparable chapter in music history carved out a new role for the bass, which resonates to this day.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 09:28
Toontrack Latin Ballads EZbass MIDI

SILKY SMOOTH.EZbass MIDI inspired by Latin ballads from the '50s through to today. The rhythmic heartbeat of Latin music is ever-so-present regardless of whether it be wildly busy uptempo songs or, as in this case, ballads. The bass, of course, is as unquestionable and integral in this cosmos as the rhythm itself. What would a laid-back bossa, salsa or cumbia be without the forward drive of the bass?
Read More... 4-06-2022, 09:28
Toontrack Singer-Songwriter EZbass MIDI

In most singer-songwriter material, the vocals, the lyrics and the melody are often what remains in the focal point throughout. This collection of EZbass MIDI was designed to give the demanding songwriter a fundamental battery of basslines with just that in mind. Expect laid-back and smooth grooves designed to not eat up space but rather help embellish chord sequences with stylish, mellow and sophisticated transitions and variations.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 09:28
Toontrack Acoustic Songwriter EZbass MIDI

What would an exquisite brushed train beat be without the cadenced thump of the bass? A smooth jazz groove without its mandatory walking bassline? A basic backbeat without the accented rumble of the bass to back up its twos and fours? To be honest, a rhythm section without all its cog wheels spinning in perfect symmetry is simply a stumped machine running at half capacity.
Read More... 4-06-2022, 09:28
TUTORiALS Collection 3

TUTORiALS Collection 3 contains 52 old tutorials from labels: Lynda, MacProVideo, Music-Courses, AudioProLabs, Hands On Audio, Photodex, Point Blank.
Read More... 3-06-2022, 21:55
Toontrack Goth Rock EZkeys MIDI

Goth, the offshoot of post-punk that paved the way for not only fashion, literature and film but also an entire sub-culture, truly defined an era. Spearheaded by the likes of The Cult, Type O Negative, The Sisters of Mercy and many more, goth and its aesthetics went from underground to mainstream and threw a cloak of horror-esque romanticism over the '80s and '90s. Since, it of course splintered off into numerous subsets and made its way into all kinds of styles during the decades to follow. Still to this day, goth is very much alive and thriving.
Read More... 3-06-2022, 21:55
Authentic Music Library The Masters Collection (Volume 1)

This pack comes with 10 compositions ran thru analog tape machine for maximum texture & warmth. With array of vocals, strings, keys, organs, pianos, bells, analog synths & pitch shifted to give unique sonics & textures we look for in samples. (STEMS option available). All of them can be chopped and replayed or dragged and dropped right into your DAW. Samples are BPM Labeled. This is a digital download. All sounds included are ready to use in WAV format for any DAW (Pro Tools, Logic etc) or Beatmaking software (Maschine, FlStudio, Ableton, etc)
Read More... 3-06-2022, 21:55
Toontrack Acoustic Songwriter EZkeys MIDI

A great song doesn't always need the big production bells and whistles. It just needs the right words, a great melody and that whoever performs it truly believes in it. In the end, it comes down to expression.
Read More... 3-06-2022, 21:55