This pack features trumpet and sax with harmony based around harmonic minor and phrygian mode. This give it a Spanish vibe over A minor and explores unique licks on the trumpet and sax. Email me at to write parts for your music. Thank You!
4-06-2022, 19:13
The final addition to the popular Keys Of Life series sees Joey D Keyz and Dreamlife team up again this time shifting the focus to vintage soul music. Vibrant chord sequences, gritty soul flavours and gospel organ combine to bring you a pack of 10 full-scale original compositions with Alex Bile on live bass throughout. These compositions are easily adaptable to various styles, including traditional Hip Hop but also Neo-Soul and classic R&B
4-06-2022, 15:24
Dreamlife has once again teamed with Joey who is a Hammond sponsored gospel musician. The second volume focuses more on modern styles of gospel music as well as R&B and Hip hop. Full of vibrant chord progressions, live bass played by Alexandre Bile this pack is perfect for producers looking to add some soulful, organic vibes to their productions.
4-06-2022, 15:24
Dreamlife has teamed with Joey who is a Hammond sponsored gospel musician that has been playing The Organ and Piano live for over 20 years. They bring you a super soulful vintage style gospel, soul and R&B pack.
4-06-2022, 15:24
Over 130 crafted analog one shots & percussion loops. Available Now.
4-06-2022, 15:24
A LIVING, BREATHING, CINEMATIC SOUND ENGINEC O N C E P T N E W D I M E N S I O N S A beautiful concept of sonic exploration: Bloom. With hundreds of sound sources encapsulated in four powerful engines, Bloom discovers a new dimension of morphing the traditional into something else. Bloom is the perfect tool for the creative mind delivering obscure soundscapes, lush pads, to tantalizing pulses and beyond.
4-06-2022, 15:24
Drayki & Mw present Supernova Kit, 166 handcrafted one shots in high quality .wav, and 30 presets designed on analog lab V (requires 5.5.0 or +)
it contains :
4-06-2022, 13:02
This drum kit was created by KILLSJ and consist of over 100 different drag and drop sounds! They work inside any DAW. This kit pairs very nicely with the "KILLSJ Sound Kit" watch the tutorial below to see how we use both the kits!
4-06-2022, 12:43
With SHDW & Obscure Shape an extraordinary duo finds its way into the SINEE universe this year! Kicked off by the release of their first three records “Nachtblende”, “Wenn Die Masken Fallen” and “Die Weiße Rose” in 2015 – the two guys experienced an incredibly rapid music career. Their never-ending world tour, which brought them to numerous festival stages, has given them an immense amount of experience. And now the SINEE community is to benefit from this!
4-06-2022, 12:42
Includes: 10 mixer presets 20 loops
4-06-2022, 12:34
Einzigartig, unvergleichlich, außergewöhnlich – Stimmings musikalischer Output sowie seine Art und Weise elektronischen Sound zu produzieren, lässt sich nur schwer in einer überschaubaren Anzahl an Worten beschreiben. Seit über 10 Jahren beweist der Hamburger Multiinstrumentalist nicht nur ein besonderes Talent für Dancefloor-taugliche Housemusik und eingängige Grooves, er macht auch als Forscher und Entdecker eine ausgezeichnete Figur. Nein, nicht mit Machete und Tropenhelm ausgestattet, sondern mit einer erstaunlichen Intuition und Neugier in Sachen Field Recordings. Kaffeemaschinen, Kinderspielzeug, Wechselgeld – sogar riesige Schiffsmotoren haben schon Einfluss auf die Produktionen des Musikers genommen – die im Übrigen weltweit Anklang finden. Umso aufregender, dass wir euch nun die Masterclass mit Stimming präsentieren dürfen, die ihn bei der Arbeit zeigt und einen Blick über die Schulter ermöglicht, den sich so viele Produzenten so sehr wünschen.
4-06-2022, 11:06
Captured during the recording of Jason Richardson's “II”, Luke's inaugural drum library serves as a masterclass in what's possible in modern drum engineering. Tight, punchy, and precisely tuned, the library has been built to cut through even the densest mixes and the most complex compositions.
4-06-2022, 11:06
That 80's Miami Vibe PRISM Retro Pop Drums is a Kontakt instrument featuring over 30 sleek drum snapshots inspired from iconic 80's pop songs. Each sample in the collection is designed to deliver an unmistakable Retro Pop / Synth wave sound.
4-06-2022, 11:06
Ihr bekommt nicht genug von Hardware und möchtet alles darüber wissen? Florian Meindl ist dafür der richtige Mann! In seiner zweiten Online Masterclass, die ausschließlich in englischer Sprache verfügbar ist, geht der erfahrene Producer, Labelhead und Samplemanufaktur-Betreiber intensiv auf sein Modular Setup ein. Ihr lernt die unendlichen Möglichkeiten von Signalwegen kennen und hebt damit eure eigenen Sounddesign Skills auf ein neues Level! Außerdem hält Florian Meindl jede Menge Tipps für einen hardwarebasierten Workflow bereit und zeigt euch die Bearbeitung der Recordings in der DAW sowie seine Mixing und Mastering Techniken.
4-06-2022, 11:06
Modern Salsa Loops was recorded with professional touring musicians and inspired in current top artist like Mark Anthony, Luis Enrique, Victor Manuel and many others. We have also added a little Cuban style flavor and some Cuban Timba.
4-06-2022, 11:06