Truefire Jon Herington's Ear IQ: Soloing Strategies (2018)
Have you ever played a solo and been less than happy with the result? Maybe your solo doesn’t feel like it fits the song, maybe it’s too predictable, maybe you’re not engaging the audience. Easy fix!
Jon Herington’s Soloing Strategies edition of Ear IQ will impart ten true proven approaches for crafting engaging, memorable solos for any style, any tune. Jon is the veteran touring and recording guitarist for the iconic band Steely Dan, and the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the New York City-based Jon Herington Band.
”Over the years, I’ve discovered there’s A LOT you can do to dramatically improve the way you build a guitar solo. In this course, I’ll open your ears wide to 10 soloing strategies that I’ve personally found to be most effective. We'll take an in-depth look at 10 of my solos, and focus on the particular strategy for each one. I’ll also provide tips for working all of the strategies into your solos and improvisations.”
"Jon Herington is a real TrueFire virtuoso. He is an equally fantastic instructor. I'm hanging onto every word and demonstration in this video series. Cheers!" - Don Compton, TrueFire Student
For each of the ten soloing strategies, Jon will first explain the strategy and analyze a track that he will apply the soloing strategy over. Jon will then solo over the track and provide a detailed breakdown of solo emphasizing the how the strategy was applied.
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