The Ultimate Guide to Synthesis in Wavetable The Ultimate Guide to Synthesis in Wavetable

The recent release of Ableton Live 10 came packed with tons of new stock features, effects, and instruments for all Ableton users to dive into! One of the most interesting new additions that came with Ableton Live 10 is the Wavetable instrument – a simple and effective wavetable synthesizer with endless possibilities.

With that being said, we are extremely excited to bring you this course: an ultimate guide to Wavetable with veteran producer, Noah, as your instructor. In the first half of the course, Noah will walk you through every aspect of Wavetable including the oscillators, mod sources, filters, and matrix.

In the second half of the course, watch it all come together as Noah uses Wavetable to design a bass, pad, lead, pluck, and chord stack sound – all from scratch!

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