How To Write Dark Trap Melodies
Although seemingly simple on the surface, dark Trap melodies require patience and tasteful writing. Join seasoned Trap producer, Noah, in this tutorial as he creates a dark Trap melody from the ground up in Ableton Live.
He’ll start with some basic music theory to aid in writing the actual melody. Once that is complete, Noah will do some sound design work in Serum as he touches up the lead patch that will play his dark Trap top-line. He’ll even add some underlying strings and stabs to make things more interesting.
This is a great video that will get you on your way to writing stellar Trap melodies for your productions. Leave a comment below if you have any questions!
Tutorials > Ableton Live
Instructor: Noah Lloyd
Skill Level: Intermediate
Duration: 8m 6s
Release Date: 03/01/2018
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