Sonic Academy How To Use Soundtoys 5 with Rory Webb

Sonic Academy How To Use Soundtoys 5 with Rory Webb

Sonic Academy welcomes back Hyper Production's Rory Webb this week for an in-depth look at the awesome Soundtoys 5 bundle.

With 20 different plugins at your disposal, the majority of which have been emulated on classic pieces of hardware, Soundtoys have provided everything you need in one package to manipulate and process your audio in endless ways.

In this course Rory takes a detailed look at each of the plugins available, lifting the lid and exploring all of the functions and showing us what they're capable of, with real-world examples.

From delays, distortions and phasers through to EQ's, reverbs and pitch shifters Soundtoys 5 is an epic addition to your effects arsenal, and with the included option of racking them up, you can not only save on CPU but also save a unique chain of effects to use in your tracks.

Go check it out!

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