Groove3 Pro Tools Beat Detective Explained
Pro Tools wiz Morgan Pottruff shows you what you need to know to get started with the Pro Tools Beat Detective editing tool, plus advanced info and how to tighten up a multi-tracked drum kit performance!
Morgan begins by welcoming you and gives a quick tour through the Beat Detective interface and a brief explanation of the various functions it can perform.
Next, Morgan shows you how to quickly fix the timing of a loop, followed by how to capture and analyze the audio of a multi-tracked drum performance.
Beat Markers and Collection Mode are then introduced and you’ll learn how to create, edit, promote and move Beat Markers, as well as use Collection Mode to get the most accurate results when tightening up a multi-tracked drum performance.
Morgan now covers Separating, Conforming and Smoothing your Beat Detective edits to get it sounding tight and smooth, followed by how to create a more natural, less “quantized” result and feel on your performance.
You’ll then get tons of great info on alternatives methods to Collection Mode, calculating tempo with Beat Detective, tempo mapping, groove extraction and groove templates, and lastly, using Beat Detective on your MIDI tracks!
See the individual tutorial descriptions for detailed info. If you’re a Pro Tools user, knowing Beat Detective inside out is a must… Watch “Pro Tools Beat Detective Explained®” now!
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