PUREMIX Fab Dupont Mastering Grand Baton

PUREMIX Fab Dupont Mastering Grand Baton

As a conclusion to our series of videos on the song "Carribean Raider" by Grand Baton, Fab Dupont puts on his mastering engineer cap to coax the song towards the final step of the recording process.

If you've ever wondered what happens when you send a song to mastering, or if you've been willing to do the mastering part yourself, this video gives you the fly on the wall point of view.

Fab details his workflow and explains what corrections to make and how to enhance a mix to make it a final distribution ready product. Using a combination of software and hardware (just because he can!), he tailors his original mix with Equalization (broad and precise), compression, limiting, MS tooling etc to reach yet another level of sound. Making it loud and competitive though still perfect sounding.

Software used:

FLUX Elixir
SONNOX Oxford Dynamics
MASSEY L2007 Mastering Limiter
UAD Brainworx Modus Equalizer bx1

Hardware used:

UNIVERSAL AUDIO 2192 Converter
MANLEY Stereo Pultec EQ

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