Udemy Extreme Metal Soloing Guitar Techniques

Udemy Extreme Metal Soloing Guitar Techniques

Are you a guitar player that loves Metal and wants to improve their soloing chops? Do you have a technique you've always wanted to learn or master, but couldn't find the right material? Have you wondered what pro metal guitar players use to bring their solos to life? Well this course could answer all of your needs. In the course, we cover mastering the fretboard, understanding scales, modes, when to use modes and chord tones (arpeggios).

Whilst some Metal guitarists don't like to understand the theory of what they're doing, my belief has always been that it's better to know something and decide not to use it, than need it and not to know it!

We look at the main techniques Extreme Metal soloists use to write blistering solos. Fast, accurate picking, sweep picking, bending, string skipping, tapping and how to combine them.

We look at how to know exactly which mode, which scale, which arpeggio you need to land on the right notes. Great for improvising!

We then take 6 metal solos in different keys, and different tempos and utilise these techniques to play them back.

With each theory, technique and solo lesson (where appropriate), you'll get the tabs, the Guitar Pro files, and a backing track (extended) so that once you've learned the technique, and once you've learned the exercises, you can practice them to what is essentially a band setting with guitars, bass, and drums.

Is it time for you to master Extreme Metal Soloing Techniques?

What you'll learn

Techniques for creating your own guitar solos for Metal and Extreme Metal music
Using scales & arpeggios to connect your riffs to your solos!
Tapping, sweep picking, understanding the fretboard.
String skipping, scales, and speed picking techniques that will make your fast picking runs consistently accurate

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