Udemy Capo Mastery: A guide how to use it right on the guitar
First steps are about hearing the capo at work with two examples. Using two popular chord progressions, we will hear the difference that the Capo can make by moving the shapes around. We will also use it to arrange songs that are using the bar chords to make it a bit different from the original. Sky is the limit!
We will learn how to move the basic MajorMinor chord shapes using the CAGED system all over the fretboard, understanding how the fretboard works, how to use the shapes to make brilliant parts and to work on our knowledge of the fretboard.
We will learn also the notes on the fretboard in a easy, different and musical way using the Major scale on the E, A and D string, starting each time from the chords of the CAGED system. We will also see another way to practice the scales.
The last chapter will be about how to make everything work together, combining the CAGED system and our new increased knowledge of the fretboard, using the capo.
There also a played example at the end with two guitars.
What you'll learnLearn how to use the capo on the guitar
Learn the notes and the fretboard
Learn the chord shapes
Play the open chords shapes everywhere on the neck
A brand new arrangement of a song with the capo
Learn the Caged system
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