Skillshare Using Compression in Music Productions

Skillshare Using Compression in Music Productions

Do you know how to use a Compressor in your music productions. Its such an important tool that can really change up your songs by taming or enhancing the dynamics in your music. In this class Gary will go through how to use a Compressor into your digital audio workstation (DAW). He'll give you advice on best practices when using a compressor. Plus, how to get the best from your performances with a compressor

You'll learn the following:

What is a Compressor
What is Dynamic Range and Why is it important in Compression
The Compression Parameters
Seeing a Compressor in Action with Drums
A Compressor in Action on Guitars
Different Compression Signal Chain Routing
After watching this class you'll have a much better understanding on how compression works, and the best ways to use them in your music productions.

Class Project

In this class project its time to take action and use some compression on your own tracks.

So going what you have learnt in the course try the following:

Add a Compressor to your Track.
Then Set the Threshold and Ratio.
Next tweak the Attack and Release Times.
Then use the MakeUp Gain to make up for any gain loss from the compression.
You can also try using the Compression in different signal routing scenarios. Try it before an EQ, and then after an EQ and hear what works better.
Then also bypass the compressor and enable it again to hear how it is working on the material.
Then repeat the same steps on other tracks, and you'll notice a huge difference on your tracks and your productions.

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