The Secrets of Orchestration Rovshan Asgarzade

The Secrets of Orchestration Rovshan Asgarzade

This online orchestration course is based on the curriculum lectures of “Orchestration” taught to Azerbaijan National Conservatory “Composition” major undergraduate students in the 2nd and 3rd semesters.

This Course include 3 parts: Orchestral Chord Voicing / Orchestral Texture Making / Orchestral Effects.

♦ Part One - Orchestral Chord Voicing. You will learn how to share 3,4,5,6,7,8 and etc. parts classical and modern harmony between orchestra. This part include more than 35 video lectures.

♦ Part Two - Orchestral Texture Making. In this part, i will show you how to easily build orchestral textures using my own methods, which i teach at the Azerbaijan National Conservatory. This part include more than 40 videos.

♦ Part Three - Orchestral Effects Making. In this part i will show how to get different sound effects in orchestra using only orchestral instruments. Also you will learn to write in a different style of film music, such as "drama", "comedy", "horror" and so on. This part include more than 10 videos.

Detailed structure:

Section 1_ Introduction
Section 2_ The Orchestration of the Harmony Line
Section 3_ The Orchestration of the Bass Line
Section 4_ The Orchestration of the Melody Line
Section 5_ From Piano to Orchestra
Section 6_ Texture Making - New Methods
Section 7_ Bonus Lecture.

Each one of these folders include Video + Doc and/or images.

Rovshan Asgarzade is a professional composer and orchestrator. He is also a teacher at Azerbaijan National Conservatory: Orchestration and arrangement; Contemporary music; Modern music technology.
He wrote a ceremony and film music, such as music for "Baku 2017 4th Islamic Solidarity Games", "Baku 2019 European Youth Olympic Festival", "The Game"- adventure film, "Mən Klounam" - drama film, "Mc Donalds" - commercial and etc...

He also wrote professional music in different genre: Symphonic poem, Symphonic overture, Symphonic suite and etc.

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