Hosted at Rue Boyer studios in Paris, this instalment features Leslie Brathwaite deconstructing his mix of ‘Churchill Downs’ by Jack Harlow featuring Drake. The Grammy Award-winning engineer walks you through the multi-track session, revealing the signal chains he received then explaining how and why he made subtle changes.
While this alone is very insightful, the series contains an exciting twist unlike any previously released – Leslie challenges himself to remix the entire project using only Pro Tools stock plug-ins! Besides implementing tools he had never tried before, Brathwaite also restricts himself to inserting as few as possible. Upon comparing his original mix to the new one, you may be as surprised at the result as he was. The experience highlights a sacred audio engineering proverb - “It’s not about the gear; it’s about the ear!”
Part 1Early decision-making process, vocal chains received, critique, subtractive approach, vocal processing
Part 2Low end part interactions, kick drum, 808 bass, taming hi-hats, producer’s treatment, acting on instinct
Part 3Vocal sample, communication, dynamic consistency, gluing vocals & beat, mix buss, gain staging, metering
Part 4Remix using only Pro Tools stock plug-ins, vocals, low end, EQ, compression, de-essing, effects, high shelf
Part 5Master limiter, parameter experimentation, new mix analysis & comparison to main mix, quick results
Part 6Final tweaks to Avid-only mix, commentary on sonics, philosophy, new mix preferences
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