Music Protest Loudness in Audio Production Best Practices

Music Protest Loudness in Audio Production Best Practices

Are you one of the many musicians and producers who are doing more and more of their production in a home studio? Do you want more confidence in your mastering abilities, so that you can release your productions KNOWING that they’re up to industry standards?

Based on my experience producing music in a variety of contexts (from electronic music to licensing and studio sessions), I’ve prepared a concise course that will offer clarity to the experienced home studio engineer while also introducing the key principles to the total beginner.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Crest factor - it’s the special sauce!
Absolute vs Perceived loudness
What LUFS, dBFS and RMS mean to your production
How to use metering properly
What’s the difference between peak and ‘true’ peak
When is it too loud?
What loudness means for streaming platforms

This course is suitable for beginners even though I’ll cover many professional terms and concepts. This course is great for anyone working with audio who wants to produce more professionally balanced audio that meets the most common international standards for broadcast quality.

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