Ask Video Ableton Live FastTrack 301 Distortion

Ask Video Ableton Live FastTrack 301 Distortion

Ableton Certified trainer Timo Preece is onboard to share his valuable workflows and production tips for Live’s saturation and distortion FX. Learn how to harness the power of these FX in this 15-tutorial FastTrack™ in-action course.

Distortion and saturation are naturally-occurring musical phenomena. That’s why DAW makers include plugins to electronically recreate them. We asked performer/producer Timo Preece to develop this FastTrack™ course to explain how, why and when to apply these highly specialized audio FX.

In this collection of in-action tutorials, you learn all about Harmonics, Soft Clipping and Waveshaping. You see how to Warp, Stretch, Sizzle, and Excite your tracks. Timo then explores Multiband distortion, Erosion and Vinyl.

Completing this course will thoroughly “saturate” your brain with new ideas and forever “distort” the way you produce your tracks… So, get ready to explore the world of saturation and distortion with Ableton Certified trainer, Timo Preece.

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