A mini-course that condenses all the information about warming up your voice and vocal technique into 4 simple steps - likening the process to that of an athlete.
How does an athlete prepare for a marathon? Well this process can also be implemented to the training of your voice and this will be covered in this short-course.
A pragmatic viewpoint on refining your vocal technique with basic pedagogy so that even complete beginners can start to understand the science behind their signing voice and how to improve in a fun and sustainable way!
Build a fun and contemporary vocal warm up routine with some custom exercises, learn about your voice type and find out the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions amongst singers trying to improve their voice. Then learn to apply all of your knowledge to the practice of learning and rehearsing songs.
This course is for singers of all levels and is supplementary to a good voice training regimen. It is strongly advised to continue implementing the resources and trainings used in this mini-course to develop your vocal technique on a regular basis and use it as a foundation for singing with more freedom, expression and mastery of your voice.
What you'll learnHow to warm up your voice effectively to improve your vocal technique and apply it to performances
Vocal pedagogy
Correct breathing technique
How to improve vocal technique
How to sing high notes
Work out your voice type
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