Truefire Alex Skolnick Solo Factory Heavy Rock
Whether you’re composing a solo or improvising one, you’re connecting a series of musical ideas to express yourself. Developing a vocabulary of licks is the first step. Learning how to connect them is the next and that’s the primary focus of Alex Skolnick’s Heavy Rock edition of Solo Factory.
"I’ll perform 5 full-length solos across a variety of heavy rock feels, tempos, and keys. I’ll then extract what I consider to be 5 key licks from each of the solos and break them down for you. I’ll show you how to play them, explain their harmonic make-up and you’ll get a sense for they help connect the preceding and subsequent sections of the solo. Everything is tabbed and notated, so feel free to pick out any of the other licks or in the solo.”
Alex will perform a solo over each of the backing tracks and then break down 5 licks from each performance emphasizing the techniques required to perform them and explaining how they connect to each other within the solo.
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