Truefire Andrea Quartarone Melodic Chordal Shapes Guidebook
Bust Out of Your Blues Rut with Fresh and Original Harmonic VoicingsChords are a great inspiration for melodies and solos. By analyzing the chord structures and stacking notes on top of each other in an original way you can create what Andrea Quartarone likes to call "melodic chordal shapes." Modern electric rock, jazz, blues and fusion players like Greg Howe, Scott Henderson, and Bret Garsed use these shapes to create inspiring melodies and solos.
Andrea Quartarone's Melodic Chordal Shapes Guidebook is all about opening up these fresh and original harmonic voicings on your fretboard. You'll get out of the rut of blues boxes, scale positions and boring licks that sound like exercises and start crafting more compelling blues solos.
"I'll first talk you through the concepts of melodic chordal shapes and the different fingerstyle techniques that I use to get the most out of them. But you can also use a pick if you prefer. Then, I'll give you 6 real live performances with these 10 different shapes and add a few others as a bonus.Andrea will explain and demonstrate all of the key concepts and approaches along the way. You’ll get standard notation and tabs for all of the performances and breakdowns. Plus, you’ll be able to use TrueFire’s learning tools to sync the tab and notation to the video lesson. You can also loop or slow down the videos so that you can work with the lessons at your own pace. All of the backing tracks are included to work with on your own as well.
Grab your guitar and let's get melodic with Andrea Quartarone!
Includes28 Video Lessons
9 Charts (.pdf)
6 Jam Tracks (.mp3)
9 Tabs (.gp5 or .ptb)
Runtime: 01:18:16
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