Sonic Academy HTU Reason Rack 11 with Protoculture
This week Protoculture joins us once again as he takes an in-depth look at how to use Reason Rack 11.
Reason has been around for a long time now and has always boasted different features that other DAW's don't have, however, Reason has often seemed to trail behind its competitors.
This is now a thing of the past though as its rack plugin can be used in other DAWs and everyone can now get their hands on Reason's awesome stock plugins building layer upon layer of sound creation to give endless possibilities in sound design.
In this tutorial, Nate takes us through Reason Rack's highlights showcasing what these plugins are capable of from super-powerful synths and samplers and intuitive and inspiring sequencers that create awesome melodies and beats, to multi-effects plugins and modular options that literally have no bounds.
Strap yourself in because there's a lot of options for sound creation available here and whether you use Ableton, Logic Pro, Cubase etc. it's now available to you too and veteran Reason users will be shouting "I told you it was good!"
Check it out!
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