Learn Logic Pro X with Apple Logic Certified Pro Eli Krantzberg in this comprehensive Logic Pro X tutorial video collection. At over 5 hours, Eli can take you from a beginner Logic Pro X user to power user status. Logic Pro X Explained provides a deep understanding of Apple's flagship DAW and can help both new users and experienced users looking to get a more solid foundation. If you're ready to master Logic Pro X features and functions, this is the best way to learn.
Eli starts with an introduction covering some important basics and then jumps right in, showing you how to create your first project. Interface overviews, navigation and more are all covered in the "Exploring the Interface" chapter. Next, Eli shows you how to work with Apple Loops, create and manage tracks, the Inspector, Quantizing, channel strips, using plug-ins, zooming and so much more.
Recording is up next and Eli examines the Drummer Track, setting up clicks and count offs, MIDI, AutoPunch, Loop Recording, using Take Folders and a loads more stuff! Editing in LPX is then covered, and Eli goes deep into working in the Tracks Area, Region Editing, the different Editors, MIDI Draw, Score Editor, Flex Pitch, using the Groove Track and more.
Eli wraps up your Logic Pro X journey with a whole chapter on Mixing. Working with Fades, Markers, Screen Sets, Smart Controls and MIDI FX are just some of the topics covered. Eli even shows you how to process each Drum Designer drum piece individually with audio effects, how to use automation to control parameters over time for cool and useful effects, and how to share your final mix with the world!
Wether you're making Logic Pro X your main DAW, upgrading from an older version of Logic, or just want to use Logic Pro X along side other software, this is your definitive resource! Invest in the best... Get "Logic Pro X Explained" today.
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