Ask Video DJing with Live Advanced

Ask Video DJing with Live Advanced

DJ Kiva is back with an advanced look at DJing using Ableton Live. In this 18-tutorial live-action course, you learn how to make your “Live” set really takeoff! Kiva is quite the master, so watch and learn as he shares his DJing secrets!

Now that you’ve got your Ableton Live DJing basics under your belt, it’s time to dive in a whole lot deeper. And that’s why DJ Kiva created this live-action, advance techniques course. You learn all kinds of reverb, delay, warping, filtering, phasing and beat-repeating tips and tricks.

Kiva also shows you some very cool MIDI mapping techniques and how to bring in external MIDI instruments and audio into your Ableton Live DJ setup. See how to work with auxiliary decks, create custom channel strips and use submaster channel techniques. This course is filled with so many advanced tips you’ll want to watch it over and over again!

By the time you complete these tutorials, you’ll be totally inspired to take your DJing to a higher level. So kick back with Ableton Certified trainer, DJ Kiva and get ready learn some very cool insider DJ action to take your Live sets to the extreme!

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