Nail The Mix Cognizance The Succession Of Flesh

Nail The Mix Cognizance The Succession Of Flesh

Cognizance is a technical death metal band from England. The story behind this recording is pretty interesting. Eyal recorded the drums in his Florida drum room, then flew to England to track everything else. Upon completion, Eyal flew back to Florida to finish up his version of the mix.

Artist – Cognizance, Song – The Succession Of Flesh
Produced and Engineered by Eyal Levi
Assistant Engineering John Douglass
Recorded at Eyal Levi's Private Drum Room in Orlando, Florida
Mixing Engineer: Joel Wanasek
Session Files: The multi-tracks are 44.1 kHz, 24 bit WAV files.
Song Tempo: The BPM for this session is 225 in 4/4 time signature.

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