Udemy Hear It, Sing It, PLAY IT! The Secret To Learning Jazz Piano
You'll learn about the incredible importance of keeping good time, and how to do just that!
You will understand that there are TWO melodies to every song, and between them they make a whole tune. This will also SHOW you the harmony, rather that having to read it off a jazz "chart.".
You'll learn a simple song as a model for how you learn all songs, at their simplest core level, so you can actually hear and play and improvise with them, rather than learning a static, higher sounding level by rote. Static meaning you can only play it the same way every time.
You'll master simple, clear shortcuts to improvisation, which, by the way, are the way you really improvise.
You will have fun and be able to show off at parties and get dates :)
You'll start to master the ability to express who you are through the medium of Jazz Piano.
What you'll learnYou'll learn and understand the basic skill set that the best players use to learn to play Piano.
You'll grasp how to connect your ear to the piano, in order to play what YOU hear, not just learn by rote.
You'll gain a concrete set of terms, and insight into how to understand the keyboard in a geographical sense, like a city you can explore, by feel.
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