Groove3 Top Down Mixing Explained
Eli Krantzberg presents an in-depth video tutorial series on the popular mixing technique "Top Down Mixing"! Learn all about this interesting and effective process, and why and how you should use it to mix your songs and productions. The individual tracks used in the video series are also included for you to download and follow along with in your DAW.
Eli starts by welcoming you and then goes over why you should care about Top Down Mixing. He then plays the track you'll be mixing together using this technique, and then goes over the mix track by track, showing you exactly what each track contains.
Building a Static Mix is next, and you'll see how to form the foundation for the Top Down Mix technique, as well as setting up a processing chain with the goal of enhancing the entire mix as a whole. See how tape saturation, EQ, multi-band compression, and stereo compression are used to paint the broad strokes and tighten up and glue the entire mix together.
Moving on, Eli shows you how to utilize reverbs, compressors, exciters, automation, delay and many more processing tools to craft the song into a pro sounding production, using the Top Down Mixing process. And last but not least, Eli demonstrates how to use a limiter to to bring up the overall mix level to values consistent with streaming services, and runs a final play through of the finished mix.
See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you mix your own music or anyone else's, you should definitely know how to use the Top Down Mixing technique, which will only add to your mixing toolbox arsenal and skill set… Watch “Top Down Mixing Explained®” today!
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