Learn music theory while developing the skills to hear and apply the concepts. Don't just cover music theory - learn to hear concepts!
Practice modules of increasing skill development follow each section.
Learn the basic elements of the musical score by completing assignments with free music scoring software!
Take steps toward becoming a fully formed musician with three courses in one.Welcome to The Elements of Music. Drawing from and expanding on our top-selling music course, these lessons are designed to develop a deep understanding of music theory and apply this knowledge through carefully created ear training modules, skills building units, and lessons in music theory.
Learn music theory and much more including:Foundations of Music Theory
Fundamentals of the Music Score
Music Notation for Multiple Instruments
The Overtone Series
Learning to Sing and Play on Pitch
Key Signatures - All Keys
Time Signatures - Basic, Compound, and Odd Meters!
The Major Scale and the Minor Scales - Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor
All Seven Modes
Chord Progressions
The Circle of Fifths
Chord Construction - Triad-based three-note chords, 7th chords (diatonic and non-diatonic), 6th Chords, Suspended Chords
Music Theory Matched with Ear Training
Roman Numeral Analysis for Applied Music Theory
Chord Functions
And more... plus hone your skills with Ear Training and Skills Building Practice Modules.
Learn music theory and apply music theory to what you hear in music and see on the page.
Music Theory Plus!
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