Cthulhu from Xfer Records is a breakthrough plugin that allows you to explore harmonic options and musical progressions like nothing else. It can literally catapult you out of a creative rut and inspire innovative musical directions – if you know how to use it.
From how to set up Cthulhu with your DAW to step by step instruction on what everything does and more importantly how you can use Cthulhu to add a supreme level of musicality to your productions.
The Essential Xfer Records Cthulhu Course is a 12-part course led by Echo Sound Works that walks you through all the features and functions of Cthulhu with a view to inspiring your own creative and practical use of the plugin.
Master Cthulhu And Super Charge The Musicality Of Your Tracks With Innovative HarmoniesCOURSE OVERVIEWCthulhu is a ground breaking plugin that makes tedious and difficult tasks like creating detailed arpeggios, musical sequences, and advanced chords possible. Two plugins in one interface, Cthulhu can be a little hard to learn in and out.
In this course, Echo Sound Works will teach you how to turn Cthulhu into one of your go-to tools for your creative process.
The course will look at every knob, feature and slider as well as how to use Cthulhu creatively.
If you want to become a Cthulhu power user – this is the place to start
COURSE FEATURESWatch, Listen and Learn – our easy to follow video instruction shows you exactly how to use Xfer Records’ Cthulhu Plugin
12 walkthrough videos each demonstrating different functions of Cthulhu
► Introduction
► Setting Up Cthulhu VST
► Setting Up Cthulhu AU Version
► GUI Overview
► Chords Overview
► Chords Menu Overview
► Chords Learn Function
► Creating Chords
► ARP Note Selection
► Note Modifiers
► ARP Global Controls
► Combining Chords and Arps
Total runtime 77 Mins
Practical instruction by an experienced tutor
Learn at your own pace, watch as many times as you need to learn the lessons
VIDEO SUMMARYPT1 – IntroductionPART 1 – Introduction – A quick intro video outlining the scope of the entire course.
PART 2 – Setting Up Cthulhu VSTUnderstanding how to set up Cthulhu is the first hurdle most producers have with the plugin. Learn how to get it up and running properly.
PART 3 – Setting Up Cthulhu AU VersionThe AU version of Cthulhu needs to be set up the right way in Logic X. Learn how in this video.
PART 4 – GUI OverviewThis video does a quick but detailed walk through of the GUI layout.
PART 5 – Chords OverviewLearn how to use the chord function and chords controls in Cthulhu to create unique chords.
PART 6 – Chords Menu OverviewA detailed look at all the menu options in the chord section of Cthulhu.
PART 7 – Chords Learn FunctionThis section will teach you how to capture chords straight from your DAW or keyboard.
PART 8 – 3 Ways To Create ChordsLearn three unique methods to create chords in Cthulhu.
PART 9 – ARP Note SelectionA unique control to Cthulhu, learn how to use this feature to create intricate ARPS.
PART 10 – Note ModifiersCthulhu comes with a bunch of controls that give you the utmost control of each step of any ARP.
PART 11 -ARP Global ControlsFinish up our look at the arpeggiator with a run through of the global controls panel
PART 12 – Combining Chords and ArpsThis video combines everything learned in the course and looks at how you can use these two parts of Cthulhu together.
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