Welcome to Guitar Lab: Solving the Puzzle Vol. 1.
I've used the title "Solving the Puzzle" as an analogy to the theoretical analysis a musician goes through when presented with a bass line that may or may not include some chord structures.
This course will equip you with the tools to apply theory which will allow you to label and organize the music you learn for future reference.
You'll also understand your options for extending chords, developing fills, and soloing over progressions.
Music can be organized into patterns — this course will help you in recognizing these patterns.
14 Total Video Lessons:Guitar Lab: Solving the Puzzle Vol. 1 Introduction
Listening in a Crowd Isolating Individual Instruments
Rhythmic Analysis Breaking Down the Groove
The Bass Line Pt. 1 12 to 1 Odds
The Bass Line Pt. 2 The Subset Principle
The Bass Line Pt. 3 Mode Formulas
The Bass Line Pt. 4 Implied Harmony
Bi-Chordal Vamps Harmonic Options
Tri-Chordal Vamps Harmonic Options
Mixed Modes Harmonic Options
Harmonic Patterns Chord Punctuations
Pedal Tones Harmonic Options
Static Chords Harmonic Options
Sus 2 Chords Harmonic Options
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