Fretboard Secret Handbook

Fretboard Secret Handbook

★ 10 minutes to memorize scale, note position on guitar by this private secret way
★ Combines Intervals, Chords, Arpeggios, Modes and Practice to let you play freely
★ 38 examples & licks to enhance your playing technique & scale graphic

This handbook lets you memorize notes/scales position efficiently by using the best memory technique “Image Memory Method“.

At first, most students can draw the graphic of scales in 10 minutes after using this method. After learning this method, we also show you how to practice it on guitar to enhance memorizing, and link it with other musical techniques, such as intervals, chords, progressions, arpeggios, modes… , so that it can develop your brain to think your fretboard in a different way, and you can learn and practice other guitar class stuff with this way in the future.


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