Modern Jazz Piano Revealed!: An Intermediate Guide to Jazz Concepts, Improvisation, Techniques, and Theory
Jazz is a living breathing thing- an entity- and a growing energy all its own. I'm excitedto present the building blocks that provide the foundation for jazz improvisation. Thisbook is geared toward the student who has already achieved an intermediate level ofsight-reading and technical facility, but who has had limited exposure to jazz along theway.I believe this book provides an entree into the world of harmony, rhythm, and improvisation.I started to write this book because of all the students I've taught over the years.Time and time again, I see their faces light up as I explain the basic concepts of intervals,7th chords, harmonic progressions and the symmetrical nature of the 12-tone scale.
That process of discovery has continued to inspire me throughout the years. I continueto have the pleasure of watching my students discover the wonder and joys of hearingand playing jazz; this is what led me to put into book form some of the concepts thatallowed me to make these wonderful discoveries myself. Each concept is offered herewith an explanation, exercises, and practical tools for the student to work with. This bookshould supplement working with a jazz piano teacher, because nothing replaces the experienceof listening, imitating and receiving personal guidance on the path. And keep inmind that the most important thing to do as you learn to play jazz is to listen, listen, listen!
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