Have you always dreamed of playing the guitar? Do you love the sound of the acoustic guitar, but don’t know how to play it? If you long to sing and play songs, then this book is for you.
This book is not a rote learning tool nor a textbook. We spared you the annoyance of reading a mechanical write-up. We’ve tried to be as humane and relatable to your troubles as much as we can. Most of the information you'll get from this book is relevant in any style of guitar playing.
Acoustic Guitar for Beginners is a generous conglomeration of information to help you every step of the way as you journey through this adventure. By the end of this book, you should be able to:
Choose the best guitar for your needs
String and tune your guitar
Play basic chords on the guitar
Play different strumming patterns
Understand how chords are formed
Groove with riffs and the pentatonic scale
And most importantly, you will be able to read music.
Improving your playing skills as a guitarist takes time and patience. You should remember that a little passion for learning the guitar and consistency is all you need to become a great guitar player.
Acoustic Guitar for Beginners does not presume to provide you with all the information about the guitar. Obviously, there are still more things you can learn about playing the guitar. But in this book, we included all the basic information and a little bit of advanced information every beginner should know. With the information provided in this book, all you need is a mere curiosity to know more, and the ability to practice consistently to get the best out of your musical learning experience.
No matter your level of experience, situation, or motive, the goal of this book is to provide you with enough information so that you can ultimately play songs and make music.
If you’ve always dreamed of playing the guitar but didn’t know how to get started, then this book is for you. Grab your copy today to learn to start playing, singing, and making music!
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