Master the Universe of Scales! Learn new modes and challenge your dexterity and fretboard knowledge. Perhaps the most infinitely flexible scale book of all-time.
Guitar Scales Infinity will grow your knowledge of scales while increasing your dexterity with tons of exercises. Learn what scales sound great with a given chord and even how to substitute one scale for another. Concentrate on the scales commonly used in your favorite genre.
Increase your dexterity and fretboard knowledge with several fingering variations of each scale. Then take those scales even further by exploring triadic exercises designed to challenge even the most experienced guitarist!
Scales are MUCH more than mundane exercises. They are the basis for all chords and melodies. No song could exist without them! More than music theory alone, mastering scales is a fundamental step in every guitarist’s development.
Break out of old routines and explore whole new melodic and harmonic palettes. Make solos truly exciting. Freshen up old or boring chord changes with new and exciting melodic options. Look at scales in a whole new way with limitless creative possibilities. Use your new scalar knowledge with confidence!
Learn how certain chords fit with each scale.Most scales can be applied over many different chords. Learn how these chords and scales fit together and experiment with new scales over familiar chords.
Scales are the backbone of almost every piece of music. They open the door to new melodies and make soloing exciting.
In Guitar Scales Infinity, you will learn:Modes of major scales
How to create mini-melodies from linear or triadic movement
How to re-order and re-invent those mini-melodies
Several types of minor scales
Scales not derivative of the major scale
Relationships between scales and chord families
Many substitutions for scales
Complete Chapter Listing:Fretboard Diagrams
Scales, Triads and Chords
How to Use This Book
Modes and Modal Theory
Major Pentatonic
Minor Pentatonic
Whole Tone
Half-Whole Diminished
Melodic Minor
Harmonic Minor
You’ve Explored the Universe (Review)
Chord and Note Reference
Infinity is in your mind! Master new scales and know their chordal counterparts.Take this important step to real music mastery. Scales are the fundamental building blocks of nearly all music. Don’t be left without this important aspect of music theory. The Universe of Scales awaits!
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