MDPI Hip-Hop, Art, and Visual Culture - Connections, Influences, and Critical Discussions
The seminal origins of this book-length printed edition of Arts focusing on hip-hop, art, and visual culture are difficult to pin down. Tracing the beginnings of even a small slice of hip-hop culture (music, for instance) is not an easy endeavor. Such origins are largely described through oral histories, leaving some room for debate even among those who participated in the early development of rap music.
It has been our intention to collect essays that make important contributions to broadening discussions on art education and hip-hop beyond the topics of graffiti, fashion, and the use of cyphers in educational contexts. We sincerely hope that we have been successful in our efforts and that this volume offers insight and inspiration for new directions indiscussing visual art’s ever evolving and influential role in hip-hop culture and education.
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