Acoustic Fields All In One DIY Acoustic Treatment Build Plans Package
Having problems with the acoustics in your room? Need a cost effective way of dealing with absorption and diffusion? Then our all in one DIY Build Plan package is for you!
7 DIY Build Plans in one great value deal.You get a Broadband Diaphragmatic Absorber to manage your low frequency problems, Acoustic Panel plans to manage your mids and highs and 5 Sound Diffuser build plans to make your small room sound larger!
Each plan comes with a material and tool list, cut sheet and easy to follow step by step assembly instructions,
Actual build photos showing you what each finished step looks like,
Your solid wood BDA Bass Absorber unit, when built, will stand 24″W x 48″H x 10″D and bass energy all the way down to 40 Hz!
5 Sound Diffuser Plans included.
DIY plans that are based on our $1,000+ production units!
Independently tested and predictable performance results,
Phone time with our Chief Acoustic Engineer Dennis Foley so any questions can be quickly answered,
Both horizontal and vertical diffusion options.
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