HOFA-Plugins HOFA IQ-Analyser 2

HOFA-Plugins HOFA IQ-Analyser 2

The HOFA IQ-Analyser is the perfect plugin to compare the frequency ranges of different audio tracks. For example, it‘s really easy to localize problems caused by frequency overlays.

In countless studios all over the world, the IQ-Analyser has become an essential tool for spectrum and sound analysis. With Version 2 it has grown even more powerful and sets standards in respect of workflow, possibilities and precision.

The new generation of the IQ-Analyser shows – like its predecessor – the frequency range as peak, hold, RMS and energy curves. The energy curve shows the frequency range considering the time factor.

Reference curves from various styles of music are onboard and you can also create and save your own references.

In addition, innovative features like high resolution frequency analysis, simultaneous analysis of multiple live-signals in one display, continuous frequency zoom or the interaction with the IQ-EQ make the HOFA IQ-Analyser an indispensable tool for anyone who wants a capable partner for his ears.

2.0.19: (2017-12-20)
- Bugfix: Possible crash when using many instances and snapshots

2.0.18: (2017-10-27)
- Improvement: Tuning frequency range extended to 380-500Hz
- Improvement: Only show file name instead of complete path in offline analysis progress window
- Improvement: Support for use in CD-Burn.DDP.Master (App)
- Bugfix: Offline analysis stopped when dropped list of files included unsupported formats
- Bugfix: Crash when opening project with > 30 instances in Cubase/Logic
- Bugfix: Wrong window height when Aspect Ratio was switched while list was not docked
- Bugfix: Meter/Correlator/FreqCorrelator values of snapshots were not shown anymore when closing/reopening window
- Bugfix: Correlator/Goniometer was always visible again when closing/reopening GUI
- Bugfix: Markers were not cleared when switching signal type
- Bugfix: Text-Cursor was too bright when saving references
- Bugfix: Possible crash in Logic, Studio One and Bitwig on macOS in case a project is loaded that contains an unlicensed plugin

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