Unlock the Raw, Untamed Tone of a Legendary Vintage Preamp.
Dial in Harmonic RichnessDrive the preamp for rich, musical saturation and analog warmth, adding depth and character to any source.
Drift & Age ControlDeliver rich vintage character by modeling component wear and adding subtle harmonic "innormality," creating depth and organic variation.
Feel the Tone ShiftSculpt immersive soundscapes with the tactile Lo/Hi-Pass filters, then paint with sonic textures using the Mix knob.
FeaturesRich saturation and musical coloration.
DRIFT Control: Introduces subtle, organic variations in harmonic overtones
AGE Control: Adds vintage character by subtly altering harmonics and progressively degrading high-frequency response, replicating the sound of aged components.
Intuitive Controls for precise tone shaping.
MIX control for parallel processing.
AUTOGAIN: Linked Input & Output for effortless dialing
2x Stack: Engages serial processing, effectively running the signal through two instances of the 280 PRE. This intensifies the plugin's character, creating richer harmonics and more pronounced saturation.
2x, 4x, 8x, 16x Oversampling
CompatibilityAvailable in AAX, VST3, and AU formats
macOS M1, M2, M3, & M4 Native (Mac OS X 10.7 and higher)
Windows 64bit (Windows 7 and higher)
Lifetime License
No ilok required :)
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