Aurora DSP Dead Kitty

Aurora DSP Dead Kitty

Dead Kitty
the Purrfect Tone

This app delivers high-gain classic British tones with a modern twist, handling low tunings effortlessly. Featuring two channels - clean and lead - Dead Kitty was developed in collaboration with Ksantyp from Poland's premier guitar YouTube channel, FOG.

Key features
Kitty Skull Gain Knob: Control your gain with style!
Two Built-In Impulse Responses for distinct tonal flavors.
3-Band Tonestack with Air Knob: Dial in your perfect sound.
Metronome: Keep perfect time with the built-in metronome.
Riff Recording: Capture your riffs and ideas on the go.

64-bit: (AAx, VST3, SAL)

Install & Replace....with patch

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