Punk Labs OneTrick KEYS VST3 CLAP Standalone

Punk Labs OneTrick KEYS VST3 CLAP Standalone

A physically modeled piano synth with a chill lo-fi sound. It uses a vintage algorithm developed at Stanford in 1995 called "Commuted Piano Synthesis", and runs that through studio reverb, vinyl or tape noise, flutter, bitcrushing, and saturation. Drop [OT] KEYS into your chillhop beats and hiphop tracks and ditch the samples.


25 factory presets
16 voice polyphony
Simulated vinyl or tape noise
Flutter controls
Studio reverb and saturation
Lo-fi bitcrusher
Preset browser with tags and editing
Sustain and Sostenuto pedal support
Nondestructive modulation (CLAP only)
All parameters are automatable
No telemetry or analytics
Open source to inspect, learn from, adapt, and improve

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